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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Perfect Speed

I am working on a project these days with a lot of effort around balancing speed of delivery with level of testing, design iterations, and QA.

The easy way to say that is: What is the right balance of speed versus perfection of output?

There is parity-of-knowledge in our world; if you use available resources you can know what your competition knows. Quality has been a cost of entry for decades. Even innovation it could be argued is now much more of a price to complete.

So what is left to leverage? How to edge the competition? Just a few thoughts:
1) Radical innovation. Everyone focuses on innovation but not everyone can find a real breakthrough or has the nerve to take the risk.
Rapid, incremental, innovation. Google uses this with their constant flow of beta products and versions.

I think the second option is more attainable for many enterprises. Here are a few points in that direction:

  • Go to market when you have a core concept. Don’t wait to flesh out every conceivable issue.
  • When to pull the trigger on a program or product? As soon as you think you will not have negative impact.
  • Build for change by using the most open technologies you can.
  • Listen to customer reaction as much as you can via measurement, discussion, and monitoring.
  • Iterate often.

There is a version of this approach that will be the "perfect speed" for your team.

There is much more here to explore.