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Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday List – Save Lives, Energy, Money, Time

A few familiar names here, a few maybe some not so much. Everybody has their list, but hey, at least I give some rationale. If you don't agree, please share some!

#5 Blackle

  • Energy saving black version of Google, thats just a cool idea

  • Saves energy yeah, but seems how much is a debate

  • Needs to just be Google search, not sure what “Blackle” vs. “web” means!

  • Green is mainstreaming, other sites should grab this as a marketing/PR/Environmental play

#4 Woot

  • If you buy any tech stuff, you will like this site

  • One product, one day, until its sold out

  • Simple, compelling, social (yeah, some verbz happening here for sure)

(btw - “woot” is an on-line/IM/gaming term used to express excitement, it means “heck yeah!!”

#3 LinkedIn

  • This is a great site for professional networking

  • There seems to be very little if any competition

  • Nearly everyone I know is on it (not sure if that says more about me or the site?)

  • Bottom line, much easier than trying to to do this in Outlook or on my Blackberry!!

#2 Google

  • No I am not talking about the search interface

  • That's still cool (unless you believe Ask's new ad campaign, then it may suck) but how about all this: Blogger, Calendar, Ad Sense, Mobile, Gmail, Reader etc.

  • Almost don't need other websites

  • Powerful, easy to use, free. For me; they are on the top of the pile at the moment.

#1 Distributed Computing

  • OK, so this is not really a website, so what, its my blog!

  • This is just great stuff; these programs use your PC's extra processing bandwidth to work on fighting diseases such as cancer, MD, Parkinson's and more!

  • As you read this my PC is working on Stanford's Protein Folding project (Protein Folding is a cause of Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease, and many Cancers and cancer-related syndromes.)

  • Just find one you are moved by and do it, what an easy way to be part of the solution.


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